Coming Out


80% of youths said that it would be beneficial to hear real life stories about individual coming out stories. We interviewed Brian* and Rebecca* to hear about their experiences of coming out…


Coming Out

Although admitting to being gay is seen as being more acceptable in today’s society than it was in the past, do people still feel the pressure to conform to society and try to avoid admitting it?

“A good idea is to start by telling someone they really trust and who they know will be supportive. It might also be helpful to get an idea about peoples attitudes towards sexuality before they talk to them” Martin Fisher commented, “Lots of people will be really positive and will be proud for telling them. Sadly, not everyone will be so positive and supportive and they should be prepared for some negative reactions and understand that this may be a difficult thing for some people to understand and come to terms with”

Martin Gray agreed: “People with a lack of confidence should be the person they are denying themselves to be. Every gay person has their own ways of coming out, my advice would be to talk to someone they trust, be it family or friend”

Darren Jones also agreed, though offered different advice to people who lack confidence but still want to admit to their true sexuality: “I do recommend that they come out” but if they are still nervous about it they could “write and letter and say it, it takes away the fear of facing someone, such as a parent”

Society has moved on from the harsh pressure of hiding someone’s true sexuality when they weren’t straight, though some people still hold judgement and can stereotype against people who don’t share the same views about themselves in terms of this particular subject.

Mr Fisher told us his opinion “I think people stereotype gay people too easily and it can be quite hurtful and upsetting for people, though regarding me with my family and friends, nothing has changed regarding their perception of me”

Mr Gray believes that the stereotyping of people in the gay community is “more of a lack of understanding that makes people this way, but there will always be the idiots that ridicule gay communities”

But do the media have an outlook over the subject, which they portray to the public in certain ways and help determine certain opinions: “Media portrayal of LGBT people ranges from positive to very negative. The gay community is constantly battling with the negative image and trying to overcome stereotypes in television, films and other media However, coverage has become more positive in recent years, possibly in an attempt by marketers to appeal to LGBT people” Mr Fisher commented.

Although many people have moved on and have come to accept the gay community, we asked whether the two men felt people were still negative about people admitting it, Mr Gray had this to say: “of course they will, its like racism or people who are of a build, people will always be negative and derogatory”

Mr Fisher also agreed: “Yes, though I do believe it’s more to do with their upbringing in relation to what is acceptable and right. Though in some cases it can just be difficult for that person to understand”

From what we’ve been told both Mr Gray and Mr Fisher have felt people are still negative about this subject but they both agreed that they are happy with the progress society has made to become more understanding of people in the LGBT community.

Mr Jones told us he believed: “Society seems to be more supportive and interested”

Though Mr Gray told us: “It was a very bad idea when I was at school but now its more casual and more like a fashion statement”

Mr Fisher agreed, telling us: “This is only down to the views of people towards gay people has changed. Whereas in the past you would have been looked down upon and also often bullied and victimised because of your sexuality, in today’s community I do believe that you are accepted and welcomed for being out and proud, though there will always be the few that still hold that prejudice”

So there you have it, everyone we spoke to agree that society has become more open and willing to learn and speak to people of a different sexuality and we all agree that this will improve and become much more normal to everyone in society in years to come.

By Rebecca Edwards


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